Webinars on Protecting Democracy
The ASBN Business for Democracy campaign continues to hold monthly numerous webinars on how to protect democracy via ranked choice voting (RCV) and taking on the political gerrymandering of state legislative and Congressional districts. Many webinars cover the basics of how RCV works; why it is needed; and the successful use of RCV by political parties, Congressional, state, and municipal elections. Webinars also discuss what states with citizen ballot initiatives can do to stop gerrymandering and national efforts to pass a Constitutional amendment to return money in politics issues back to the states.
Protecting Election Workers is Protecting Democracy
Jonah Minkoff-Zern, co-director of Public Citizen’s Democracy Campaign, shares information on how Public Citizen is keeping track of state legislation to protect election workers and the organization’s legislative tracker. He shares information on the status of action in the states and what others can do to support this effort.
Business for Democracy State Collaboratives Give Reports
Starting a new year, ASBN’s Business for Democracy state collaboratives share their efforts to protect and strengthen democracy in their states.
Over 10 years of fighting to fix our broken political system
Bo Harmon, Campaign Advisor at RepresentUs, talks about how his organization has worked to end political corruption by advocating for reforms such as voting rights, gerrymandering, lobbying, and campaign finance.
“For Our Freedom” Constitutional Amendment Explained
John McCrae, Business and Civic Network Director at American Promise talked about his organization’s effort to pass the “For Our Freedom” constitutional amendment to restore the rights of Americans to regulate election money, protect free speech & representation, and combat systemic corruption.
The Secret for Talking About Ranked Choice Voting with Republican Legislators
Stan Lockhart, former Chair of the Utah Republican Party and recipient of the prestigious “Ronald Reagan Award” for his service to the party, gave detailed advice for talking with Republican legislators about ranked-choice voting.
Ohioans Fight to Stop Gerrymandering
Sean Soendker Nicholson, who is directing the “Citizens Not Politicians” campaign in Ohio, discussed the ballot measure he and many other organizations would like to have on the 2024 statewide ballot that would amend the state Constitution to create an independent citizen-led redistricting commission for legislative and Congressional districts.
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