For Immediate Release
December 21, 2023
Danniel Gurerra, 608-212-2391,
Frank Knapp, 803-600-6874,
Small Businesses Support Dropping Talk of Impeaching Justice
Today Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos indicated that it was “super unlikely” that the Assembly would pursue impeachment of Justice Jane Protasiewicz over her participation in the Courts ruling on the need to redraw state election maps.
Below is a statement by Daniel G. Gurerra Jr., CEO of Altus and a leader of the Wisconsin Business for Democracy collaborative. Business for Democracy, a campaign of the American Sustainable Business Network, has collaboratives in nine states raising the voice of small business for the critical need to protect and promote a strong democracy because it is essential for a vibrant entrepreneurial economy.
“We commend Speaker Robin Vos appearing to rollback talk of a partisan effort to impeach Justice Jan Protasiewicz. Such an effort would contribute to undermining the will of Wisconsin voters and our state’s democracy. Should the Supreme rule that the legislature re-draw legislative districts, we encourage a process be adopted to eliminate partisan gerrymandering that locks in a political party’s advantage. Democracy is best served when candidates listen to all interests, including those of small businesses, and focus on solving problems that benefit most constituents. Small businesses want free and fair elections.”