October 12, 2022
Letter: Protect democracy this Election Day
All of us benefit from a state that gives equal opportunity to all to pursue their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and opening a small business. This is possible because of our strong democracy that allows us to pick our leaders who listen to all voices in making policy.
This ability of voters to command the attention of politicians is especially important to racial minorities and minority-owned businesses. Entrepreneurship is the key to economic success for minorities. It is also exactly what is needed to lift underserved communities.
But if we allow democracy to slip away into one-party rule, an autocracy, then politicians won’t have to listen to the voters, including small business owners, because those politicians will have locked themselves into power by manipulating and changing voting laws.
If this happens, these politicians will have no restrictions on acting on any old prejudices they may have toward minorities.
Without the ability to influence policy, racial minority entrepreneurs could once again see the doors shut on equal opportunity to start and grow small businesses.
The Madison Black Chamber of Commerce is a proud member of the Wisconsin Business for Democracy collaborative. We must protect democracy this November.
Camille Carter
President & CEO
Madison Black Chamber of Commerce
Madison, WI